Business of Hating Roman Reigns Hits WWE

In WWE, the 2017 "Royal Rumble" was a historic moment. For some of WWE fans that night was the night of Randy Orton, but for others that night was an embarrassing night for Roman Reigns. He broke into the final climactic moments with furious, making much of the audiences astonished by his actions. Since then he is renowned as the most notorious "Royal Rumble" looser of all time to win the Pro Wrestling Illustrated's "Most Hated Wrestler" award.

According to Forbes, a video compilation of fan reaction to the Reigns entry, posted by a Twitter user not associated with WWE, immediately went viral and spread to many other social media. And with the lack of response to WWE's global views on social media over the past year, perhaps WWE felt it was the right time to capitalize on 'business' hating Reigns.

On the other hand, Kurt Angle, an intelligent experts, according to Uproxx, explained why everyone hates Reigns so passionately. That is because many WWE fans deemed him unfit of constant winning of WWE titles like the European title, or Intercontinental title, U.S. title, King Of The Ring tournament. Regardless it is true or not, the 'business' hating Reigns is likely to be maintained by WWE.

Moreover, keeping Reigns from turning into a villain means keeping the big money coming in for WWE. At the beginning of the WWE, the popularity of the wrestlers were determined by how many times they appear. Then a few years later, they were all determined by how many houses ordered the WWE pay-per-view events. And now there are other major factors, the internet and social media.

That is why WWE may feel 'reluctant' to turn the Reigns situation. However, this is not a permanent solution. If WWE continues to take advantage of the situation, Reigns' fans will not be silent. Reigns and WWE's fan has been waiting a long time for him to bounce back. With WWE capitalizing on the hating business, Reigns who was once glorified all over the world will end up being merely the 'bad guy'. And his rumored matchup against The Undertaker for WrestleMania 33 -- perhaps WWE's most beloved figure -- will make WWE fans 'united' against him.

Facing this entire situation, Reigns remain calm. According to ProWrestling he is more similar to John Cena in facing the negative reaction from fans. Although he is being bullied, he still finds WWE as a team of his dreams. Therefore, WWE is expected to take advantage all of the fan's attention positively without further heating up the situation. Ultimately this will increase the popularity of WWE as a positive entertainment.

According to Forbes, a video compilation of fan reaction to the Reigns entry, posted by a Twitter user not associated with WWE, immediately went viral and spread to many other social media. And with the lack of response to WWE's global views on social media over the past year, perhaps WWE felt it was the right time to capitalize on 'business' hating Reigns.

On the other hand, Kurt Angle, an intelligent experts, according to Uproxx, explained why everyone hates Reigns so passionately. That is because many WWE fans deemed him unfit of constant winning of WWE titles like the European title, or Intercontinental title, U.S. title, King Of The Ring tournament. Regardless it is true or not, the 'business' hating Reigns is likely to be maintained by WWE.

Moreover, keeping Reigns from turning into a villain means keeping the big money coming in for WWE. At the beginning of the WWE, the popularity of the wrestlers were determined by how many times they appear. Then a few years later, they were all determined by how many houses ordered the WWE pay-per-view events. And now there are other major factors, the internet and social media.

That is why WWE may feel 'reluctant' to turn the Reigns situation. However, this is not a permanent solution. If WWE continues to take advantage of the situation, Reigns' fans will not be silent. Reigns and WWE's fan has been waiting a long time for him to bounce back. With WWE capitalizing on the hating business, Reigns who was once glorified all over the world will end up being merely the 'bad guy'. And his rumored matchup against The Undertaker for WrestleMania 33 perhaps WWE's most beloved figure will make WWE fans 'united' against him.

Facing this entire situation, Reigns remain calm. According to ProWrestling he is more similar to John Cena in facing the negative reaction from fans. Although he is being bullied, he still finds WWE as a team of his dreams. Therefore, WWE is expected to take advantage all of the fan's attention positively without further heating up the situation. Ultimately this will increase the popularity of WWE as a positive entertainment.

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