Celebrity Makeup Artist Jamie Greenberg Tells Us Her Makeup Tips For Summer In Part 2 Of Our Exclusive Interview!

Need some beauty advice for the upcoming warmer months? Sometimes the best beauty tips are the quick ones you'll always remember. We look forward to the summer heat, but the hot weather can leave our melting makeup looking a hot mess. Enter celebrity makeup artist Jamie Greenberg to give us some super simple summer beauty advice.

Jamie, how do we pull off fun, crazy lip shades like blue, green or neon for the summer?

More than anything else, you need confidence to pull off these looks! I also believe in not having your makeup compete with such bright lip shades. If you're going to go for crazy lip colors, you must make the lips the star of the show and ease up on other areas.

How do we take our summer makeup from a conservative work day to a fun party night in no time flat?

All you have to do is add a bold lip or simply fill in the water rims of your eyes with eyeliner. These quick changes will take you from day to night in an instant.

What is the best tip you have for solving unwanted shine that comes from the summer heat?

You can beat the shine the summer heat triggers by never leaving home without life-saving blot sheets! You can also try using use a mattifier too. Both of these options are way better than powder because they don't build up.

Any additional summer tips and tricks?

Melting makeup and sweaty, shiny skin are some of the most common summer beauty problems, but a lot of women also suffer from allergies in the summer too. I can personally identify with this beauty dilemma, so trust me when I say that during the summer months, you don't want to cake on the makeup.

I always recommend distracting from things like watery, itchy eyes by going for a bold lip. If you really want to wear eye makeup, my best tip for allergy sufferers and sweat-prone gals is to go all waterproof (waterproof eyeshadow, eyeliner and mascara). 

Look out for our chat with Jamie on how to create flawless makeup during allergy season, coming soon! 

This article was originally published on Fashion Times