Plastic Surgery For Men: 'Brotox' Procedures Are On The Rise

Women aren't the only ones going under the knife. Turns out there has been a surge in men who want to look their very best too. We chatted with Dr. Douglas Steinbrech, leading the charge in men's aesthetics. Here's what the pro had to say about what dudes are doing these days:

Dr. Steinbrech, is there still a taboo among men when it comes to going under the knife?

Not like it used to be. Men are more confident in their own skin, so they're actually more open to seeking aesthetic improvements. There are about 20% of men who still like to keep it a secret.

There has been a revolution in techniques for men: Gladiator Abs, Surfer Abs, body banking with structural fat, hi-def liposuction, male model makeover, improved pec implants and gluteal implants. Hundreds of men come into my office and tell me they had no idea these solutions were available.

Why do you think more and more men are opting to have work done?

Most often they are here for job reasons and are competing in the marketplace. Second, they simply want to get back into shape. Lastly, even men that work out five days a week will hit their genetic wall and cannot get the results from the gym they want. 

What types of procedures are the most highly requested among men?

We see requests for liposuction -- abs & love handles, male chest reduction, pectoral implants, male rhinoplasty, and necklifts.

What type of man is typically the ideal candidate to have certain types of procedures?

Through research and experience we have found that there are generally four types of men: the Male Model, the Body Builder, the Athletic Dad, the Corporate CEO.