Kodak To Become A Smartphone Company? Imaging Company To Release 4G Handset At CES 2015

Kodak is moving on from manufacturing lenses and imaging-based products to creating Android-running smartphones.

The Rochester-headquartered company is reportedly preparing for the smartphone market with a 4G handset that is set to clash with other big brands like Apple, Samsung, LG, Motorola and HTC, among others.

Eastman Kodak's decision comes amid its struggle to find an identity in the modern technology market, according to Gizmag

Specific details about the device were not revealed immediately, but sources claim that given Kodak's reputation for quality imaging, consumers can expect a handset that is packing a lot on the photography facet of smartphone technology.

Ahead of its launching during the CES 2015, leaked information already teased that the device is running on Android and that it houses a second-to-none image management software and a number of convenient printing and sharing options.

To make this bold move possible, Kodak is working with Bullitt Group, which previously partnered with Caterpillar in making rugged Android devices, Phonedog has learned.

Kodak's master plan is to come up with a smartphone that doesn't compromis design and user experience. The company also aims at manufacturing devices with advanced remote management features that can carry out more favourable help and support services. It isn't clear yet if this will be comparable to Amazon's Mayday service for the Fire Phone, reports ZDNet

Despite Kodak's brave move after facing bankruptcy in 2013, many are a bit skeptical if this can help the company regain a place in the technology market, according to Forbes.

"There's no mention in the official PR about sensor sizes, lens apertures or dedicated imaging hardware of any sort. In fact, it seems like we might be looking at a device that does all of its visual heavy lifting (think "bespoke image capture, management and sharing features") through software," said Engadget's Chris Velazco. "That wouldn't necessarily be terrible, but really, why slap the historic Kodak brand on a device that doesn't seem equipped to do it justice?"

Apart from launching its first attempt at making Android-powered smartphones, Kodak is also expected to introduce its tablet and connected camera during the CES 2015, which is to run from Jan. 6-9.