How Your Pillow, Cell Phone & Hands Can Cause Acne

While we are all revving up to boost our beauty in the New Year with resolutions, sometimes remembering the simplest tips can make all the difference.

Want clearer skin in the New Year for 2015 and beyond? Consider these simple tips:

Don't Get All Handsy. It's hard to realize this, but throughout the day we touch our faces a lot. That wouldn't really be a problem, except for the fact that we're touching tons of other surfaces, making our hands a Petri dish for germs and other unwanted bacteria. Did you know that there could be over 300,000 bacteria on the human hand?

So commit to this 2015 skin care creed: Once your moisturizer and makeup are on, make it a point not to break this seal with your hands, unless you've consciously washed them. You'll be doing your face a big favor.

Smartphone Skin. Another unassuming way your skin could be sprouting blemishes and breakouts is thanks to your cell phone. It's always in your hands; left on many surfaces, and then it touches your face.

Did you know that the average cell phone has 18 times more bacteria than a toilet?! What's worse is our phones are breeding grounds for bacteria to further grow thanks to the warm places we keep them like our pockets and of course our hands. Resolve to a wipe your phone down often!

Pillow Talk. Another culprit in the struggle for clear skin could be where you rest your head every night. Ever go to bed with your skin looking just fine and wake up with a blemish?

Remember to wash your pillowcase frequently. While some think a satin case is best, whatever material you choose can transfer dirt and oil back to your face if you don't keep it squeaky clean.

Here's to clearer skin for 2015!