5 Natural Remedies For Winter Skin & Hair To Stay Super Soft In The Cold Months Part 2

So the cold has hit, but that doesn't mean your skin has to take a hit in the hydrating department.

Even we here at BWN sometimes struggle to keep every limb soft and supple. The cold air just loves sucking the moisture out of everyone. But fear not! sometimes the best way to fix a beauty dilemma is with the simplest of solutions.

If you missed Part One of our chat with Nitika Chopra, host of Naturally Beautiful on Z Living TV network, check it out here.

Chopra breaks down how to quickly get skin back on the right track this winter:

Avocado. "Avocado is really your best friend," Nikita said. "The fruit is rich in Vitamins B, C, E and K. Mash up an avocado and use it plain as a face mask."

What makes avocado so great? It helps skin retain moisture, which is great for fighting wrinkles. "Eating avocado, especially in the winter when we can have vitamin deficiencies, is also great," Chopra explained. "During colder months, it's natural for us to crave creamier comfort foods, and avocado has the perfect consistency."

Sugar. "I'm also a huge fan of sugar scrubs because they are so luxurious and easy to make," Chopra revealed. "Take brown sugar and your favorite oil (olive is a good option) and add an essential oil for natural fragrance. Lavender is soothing, while peppermint is more energizing. Pick the one that fits your mood!"

DIY Spa - For this one, Chopra says just remember to test a small amount of any DIY spa recipe on the inside of your wrist before you use it on your face or body.

Ready to whip skin into super soft shape? Tell us with a note below!