Bad Gift Ideas Holiday 2014: What Not To Give Her This Holiday Season

We will be delivering to you cool beauty gift ideas all season long to add to your shopping list. But if there was ever a time to avoid certain items as gift options, it's now.

Check out these four beauty categories to avoid so you don't commit that dreaded holiday faux pas of a bad gift:

Anti-aging Products. Whatever you do, avoid giving a gift that has anything to do with combating wrinkles, age spots, crows feet, and laugh lines. These kind of products are on every woman's vanity, but they should be under the tree! Nothing says "you're looking old" than a gift box filled with anti-wrinkle cream.

Acne Products. On the same level of failed gift attempts is anything that has to do with pimples, zits, blackheads, whiteheads, dark spots, scars, and blemishes. Giving a gift like this is like broadcasting to the giftee news that they are already aware of and would prefer to downplay. Definitely a gifting no-no!

Dental Products. Everyone wants a pearly white, mega-watt, red carpet worthy smile. We just don't want to receive a gift that drives the point home that we don't exactly have it yet. Leave your giftee to figure out what types of oral care products they need, otherwise when they open your present, they sure won't have a smile on their face.

Bright eye palette shades. Unless you are absolutely certain the person you're shopping for rocks bold and bright shades, avoid trying to pick out specific makeup colors for someone else. If you really want to try your hand at this, get your giftee to confirm what shades they like beforehand. Otherwise, stick to neutral palettes that work for anyone at any age and with any skintone.

Ever receive any of these faux pas holiday gift options as presents yourself? Tell us with a note below!