How To Stay Fit & Maintain Your Weight During The Holiday Season

Philadelphia's iconic hotel, The Rittenhouse, debuted its new spa, club and salon this fall, and to celebrate, experts Kelly Gasspari, Spa Director at, and Jane Diamond, Fitness & Wellness Director wanted to share a few tips and tricks for staying healthy during the holiday season.   

From how to avoid over-eating at a holiday party to the best ways to unwind and relax during the busy season, Kelly and Jane have easy, foolproof ways to look and feel your best through the New Year and beyond:

Don't gain any weight.  May sound simple, but the average person during the holiday season seems to take a vacation from their own personal health and wellness habits and can gain on average 3-6 pounds. If this is not taken off, it accumulates quite significantly year after year. 

Exercise and keep your normal schedule: The holidays can be a very busy and a stressful time. It seems that exercise is the first thing to be cut from the list, even for those on a regular workout routine. Don't let this interfere. Keep your exercise schedule just as you would during a normal week. Wear your pedometer while you are out.

Gather friends and family to exercise together. Create fun and active playtime with family and friends. Sports competition, games and active playtime builds relationships, keeps us moving and helps us stay connected without the interference of technology. 

Be Mindful of What you are Eating: The best way to gain pounds during the holidays is to indulge at every party and family event. Be mindful of what you are eating. The more consciously we observe our eating, the more our eating will change.

Sleep: Running on little to no sleep is the most definite way you are going to feel the stress of the holidays even more. By going to bed at the same time each night will allow you the opportunity to deal with stress better, which in turn will make a more productive, clear minded you!

Make Your Holiday Diet Realistic: Remember it is the holidays so don't be too hard on yourself. Enjoy your favorite meals but in small portions. Stay away from certain foods and alcohol that could lead you to eat more than you intended.

Happy Holidays!