Minor Cosmetic Surgery: Expert Physician Explains How To Correct 'Turkey Neck' With Liposuction

Gobble gobble! It will be time to feast in almost less than a week!

Turkey may be okay at Thanksgiving, but it's definitely not okay when it takes over your profile. Or your holiday photos.

Another sign of the aging process, turkey neck is one of the more dreaded skin care issues many face. If you're suffering from this and tired of wearing turtlenecks to cover it up, you can rest easy.

A new study conducted at Northwestern University has found that minimally invasive cosmetic procedures are a lot safer than we thought. In a sample of more than 20,000 different surgical procedures, researchers found that many carry incredibly low risks for patients.

Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Gregory Wiener M.D. FASC recently explained the results to us.

"This study shows what we've long known to be true, that the potential side effects of these minor cosmetic procedures are minimal," Dr. Wiener explained.

"This is the first time a study of this size on this kind of data has been conducted, and on a multi-center level no less. It's definitely a step in the right direction." 

So what can you do to remove that extra unsightly skin? Dr. Wiener suggests patients looking to tighten up their turkey neck consider Ultrasonic Assisted Liposuction using Vaser Technology.

"An Ultrasonic Assisted Liposuction uses sound waves to soften fat cells before they are removed," said Dr. Wiener. "We can then extract unwanted fat, making the skin much tighter, in a noninvasive way. Vaser Technology gives you the results you want. It's truly revolutionary."

Dr. Wiener adds, as long as your physician is Board-certified, procedures using fillers, lasers, and chemical peels are a safe and practical way to enhance your appearance, and now there is research to support that. "And there's no better time than the holidays to take back control of your look," the pro told us.

Considering a procedure to remove excess skin? Tell us with a note below.