Inside Winter Boots: How To Keep Your Feet Healthy & Pain-Free During The Cold Months

Before you put on those duck boots or UGGS this season, consider this:

More than 75% percent of Americans will experience foot health problems of varying degrees of severity at one time or another in their lives.

Despite the fact that your feet may be stuffed in boots or in closed-toed shoes during the cold winter season, taking care of your feet can prevent pain, fungal infections and other foot related issues.

Dr. Alan Bass, a board-certified podiatrist has given us a few tips on how to keep your tootsies happy and healthy during the cold months and some over the counter treatment options to consider if foot related issues do occur. 

Check out the expert's professional recommendations on how to show those dogs the attention and love they deserve:

Make sure your feet are clean and dry daily. Fungal organisms love moisture so make sure to dry well even after a shower to deprive them of any dampness. Avoid using any moisturizers between each individual toe, which can also lead to wetness. 

Weleda Foot Balm ($14) is a great product that soothes tired feet and helps keep them dry and comfortable. Its unique formulation softens calluses and refreshes the skin.

Exfoliate your feet to slough off dry and dead skin. A pedicure in the nail salon or at home every two weeks is a great way to keep your feet soft and free from dry and rough skin. 

Amopé Pedi Perfect Electronic Foot File ($40) is a great at home option that exfoliates rough, hard skin on feet through a gentle and safe rotating action, revealing smooth results just after one use. 

More professional foot care tips to come!