4 Tips for Anyone Considering Plastic Surgery: Surgeon Says a Little Care in Planning Can Avert a Nightmare Part 2

So you're thinking of going under the knife for a little nip and tuck?

If you're considering a potential plastic surgery procedure, Dr. John Zannis has a few tips for you before you book your appointment. With over 5,000 surgical procedures in all aspects of plastic surgery under his belt, read what the expert has to say about what to consider before you opt for that new face or body part:

And if you missed Part One, click here.

Board certification by the American Board of Plastic Surgery is a must! Dr. Zannis says that just like everyone else, doctors want to make money.

In many cases, doctors aren't required to be certified to inject Botox or perform other procedures. We've all heard the plastic surgery nightmares, which are often caused by a botched surgery, a surgeon who didn't explain to the patient the overall change to a face with oversized lips, or a combination of the two.

Do it for your own reasons and not someone else's. It's one thing to seek breast enhancement in order to boast one's own confidence; it's another to do so to please a boyfriend.

"It's your body," Zannis stressed. "You will have to deal with the consequences of a larger chest for the rest of your life. Be clear that you are the one who wants to change your body."

Avoid the rabbit hole of too much cosmetic surgery. You don't have to have a single bad surgery to miss the mark of your intended self-improvement. Dr. Zannis says it's possible to get several excellent procedures done with a result of diminishing returns.

"If you think your nose could be better, or you'd like help eliminating fat in places that no matter how much you diet and exercise, simply will not go away, then a procedure may be in order," Zannis explained.

"And, you may want multiple procedures done. If this is the case, keep in mind the overall picture of what you're going for."

Thinking out going under the knife? Tell us with a note below!