Psoriasis Symptoms & Treatment: Dermatologist Shares How To Treat Dry, Itchy, Flaky, Patchy Skin Part 2

Time for Part 2 of our psoriasis Q&A with board certified dermatologist Dr. Mark Jackson. If you missed Part One, click here.

Now read on to learn more about this unique skin condition:

So Dr. Jackson, what exactly is psoriatic arthritis?

Psoriatic arthritis is a chronic condition characterized by pain, stiffness, swelling and tenderness of the joints, inflammation of specific ligaments and tendons and a decrease in physical function. The most common joints affected are the hands and the feet, but it may also occur in the hips, lower back and other joints.

Is psoriasis curable?

There is no cure for psoriasis. However, maintaining a healthy lifestyle and finding a treatment that works for you, may help manage the condition.

What are some ways to effectively manage and minimize symptoms?

There are several treatments currently available to help manage psoriasis and new treatments continue to be brought to market. Most recently, the FDA approved OTEZLA®, a oral therapy for the treatment of patients with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis has become available.

What should those suffering from psoriasis avoid that can make skin worse?

Because of the link between inflammation and psoriasis, it's important to find ways to minimize inflammation in the body.

Additionally, certain lifestyle modifications that contribute to an overall healthier life, may help manage psoriasis symptoms by contributing to an overall healthier life. This includes maintaining a healthy weight by managing diet and getting adequate exercise, minimizing stress, getting enough sleep and avoiding unhealthy behaviors like smoking and excessive alcohol consumption.

Product recommendations that can relieve skin symptoms?

When considering products or treatments to help manage psoriasis, it's important to work with your dermatologist or health care provider to find the right treatment for you.

There are a variety of treatments available to manage mild, moderate or severe disease, including both over the counter and prescription topical creams, phototherapy, traditional systemic treatments, biologics and PDE4 inhibitors.

Any additional tips and tricks?

It's important to be an advocate for yourself and your health. Be sure to have open and honest conversations with your health care provider about your disease, ways to manage the condition and treatment. 

Suffer from psoriasis? Tell us how you treat your skin with a note below!