Can Stress Trigger Early Alzheimer's? Tips On How To Prevent The Disease Part 2

So with the early onset of Alzheimer's triggered by stress, it's clear that a healthy, active lifestyle is the best way to ward off the disease.

Beauty4Media reports that activities involving multiple tasks or requiring communication, interaction, and organization offer the greatest protection. Check out these recommendations to stay on top of your game.

Set aside time each day to stimulate your brain. Consider cross-training with these brain-boosting activities will help keep you mentally sharp:

Your brain also needs regular, restful sleep in order to function at optimum capacity. Sleep deprivation not only leaves you cranky and tired, but impairs your ability to think, problem-solve, and process, store, and recall information. For a list of problems lack of sleep can trigger, click here.

Deep, dreamy sleep is critical for memory formation and retention. If nightly sleep deprivation is slowing your thinking and affecting your mood, you may be at greater risk of developing symptoms of Alzheimer's disease.

The vast majority of adults need at least 8 hours of sleep per night. Any less, and productivity and creativity suffers.

Stress that is chronic or severe takes a heavy toll on the brain, leading to shrinkage in a key memory area of the brain known as the hippocampus, hampering nerve cell growth, and increasing your risk of Alzheimer's disease and dementia. Yet simple daily tools can minimize its harmful effects.

Check back tomorrow for some helpful ways you can eliminate stress.