Can Stress Trigger Early Alzheimer's? Tips On How To Prevent The Disease

According to the Daily Mail, a report by the Alzheimer's Society warns that twice as many adults are developing dementia in mid-life than previously thought.

For many years, we've been told that there's little we can do to prevent Alzheimer's disease and other types of dementia but hope for the best and wait for a pharmaceutical cure.

But according to Lucy Batham-Read of Beauty4Media, the truth is you can reduce your risk by eating right, exercising, staying mentally and socially active, and keeping stress in check.

"By leading a brain-healthy lifestyle, you may be able to prevent Alzheimer's symptoms and slow down, or even reverse, the process of deterioration," she said.

Quick thinking. Fast recall. Sharp memory. When you're at the top of your mental game, you don't worry about getting older. Because you still have the focused brain power of your youth.

"But to stay on top, you need a steady supply of oxygen to your brain. Then your brain can think creatively, solve problems, and stay fog-free."

So as the ages lower for those of us that are suseptable to Alzeimers, what can we do to help ourselves? Batham-Read says luckily, there are a number of ways to get plenty of oxygen to your brain.

"The six pillars of a brain-healthy lifestyle are regular exercise, healthy diet, mental stimulation, quality sleep, stress management, and an active social life," she explained.

The first is physical exertion. This gets the blood flowing and provides more oxygen to the blood vessels in your brain so you can have clear recall.

"Those who continue learning new things throughout life and challenging their brains are less likely to develop 'Brain Fog' and then be susceptible to more serious dis-eases like Alzheimer's disease and dementia, so make it a point to stay mentally active. In essence, you need to 'use it or lose it'," Batham-Read stated.

More tips on how to ward off Alzheimer's to come.