Dry Brushing Skin How To: Tips To Help Tighten, Firm & Exfoliate Your Skin

So what exactly is dry brushing? Dry brushing is popular spa technique that assists to minimize the appearance of saddle bag skin (cellulite) by sloughing those dry flaky upper skin cells for visibly smoother, more radiant skin.

In other words, it is a dry method of exfoliation for an invigorating feeling and smooth skin appearance.

Additional benefits associated with dry bushing include exfoliating dry skin layers to leave the skin feeling smoother and looking radiant, natural detoxification, improving the appearance of skin tone, the tighter/firmer the appearance of skin, and it helps a lot with ingrown hairs. 

Check out the do's and don't of dry brushing:

Do use your dry brush only on dry skin prior to showering. For added shower power, alternate the temperature in your shower after dry brushing from hot to cold.  This will further invigorate the skin and stimulate circulation.

Don't put too much pressure on the skin while dry brushing as this will cause discomfort and redness of the skin. Keep pressure to a level that is comfortable for you!

Do begin dry brushing at the soles of your feet to optimize results. Using light pressure, continue to work up the front and back of the legs following an upward direction towards the heart.

Do continue using long, gentle sweeping strokes upwards by applying a gentle pressure to the body which should feel invigorating not sore. Then continue on to the hands and arms including the tummy and back, finishing with the neck and scalp.

Check out Part 2 of our dry brushing tips to learn about a few skin firming lotions we've tried and love on Monday!