Kim Kardashian Skin Care: CO2 Laser Therapy & PRP Facials Gain Popularity Part 1

The thought of using one's own blood to conduct a Vampire Facial may seem a bit too creepy.

But the trend that started with Kim Kardashian is not dying out.  In fact, women are now using platelet rich plasma therapy to combat acne scarring, a plight that affects 50% of adult women. We tapped our resident expert, Dr. Alex Martin to kind out why Kim K is into these techniques:

Dr. Martin, qhat exactly is CO2 Laser Therapy? 

This procedure invloves highly concentrated pulses of laser lights will be applied to the affected areas on your skin, or where you have acne scars. This laser therapy is great because it's very high-tech. 

The lasers will not affect areas that you don't want treated. There are several places on the body that this procedure works well with, which include the face, the body and the neck. Typically, this laser procedure will take around an hour to complete.

What are the benefits of CO2 Laser Therapy?

A salient benefit that comes with this procedure is that it's non-invasive. You will not be in a lot of pain after the procedure, and you don't have to worry about a long post-procedure recovery time. After one laser treatment, your skin will be rejuvenated. 

Collagen production is improved because of this laser treatment, which will decrease the appearance of acne scars. However, in order for the procedure to yield the highest results, you will need to properly clean your face at least three times a day.

And just what is a PRP Facial?

Platelet-rich Plasma or PRP is a highly concentrated liquid derived from your own blood in which tissue stromal elements such as platelets and other cells that create bulk and connective tissue are gathered in great concentration.

How does this odd facial treatment work?

The cellular materials collected from the peripheral blood (such as a simple blood-draw from the arm) are then reduced to a tiny volume of a couple of syringes full of a dark, dense red-colored liquid. This densely rich material created from your own blood is then injected into areas of collapse in the face to make us look younger and more healthy.

What are the benefits of your own blood being injected into your skin?

The actual effect of injecting PRP is to fill in areas where the fat has begun to disappear from the face, especially in areas where the deepening lines and shadows make us appear old and haggard.

The impression created by the filling of these areas is one of instant improvement which we can see immediately following the injection. As the PRP tissue replicates and continues to grow within the deep recesses which have just been filled the once hollow areas appear to be full and plump again. This is what actually makes us look "young again."

In Part 2 of our talk with Dr. Martin, learn how these two beauty treatments go hand-in-hand next week!