Plastic Surgery Without Going Under The Knife: New Cutting Edge 'ThermiTight' Treatment Combats Signs Of Aging

Always wanted to look younger, but been afraid of going under the knife? You're not alone.

Thabkfully getting older is getting easier due to new thinking and technologies - it is no longer necessary to have a facelift to look younger. In fact, there has been recent back lash from Hollywood A-listers to the old "nip and tucked" look.

Droves of Hollywood's most beautiful are coming out against surgery including Sharon Stone (age 56), Jamie Lee Curtis (age 55), Emma Thompson (age 55) and Julia Roberts (age 46), and Jennifer Aniston (age 45).  

(Photo : Woods & Co)

But if you want a little "touch-up" without the scaples, consider this new treatment to get over your plastic surgery fears.

ThermiTight is a non-invasive treatment that safely treats the cause of skin laxity. Instead of surgery, tiny probes are inserted under the skin to "inject" heat to the tissues which cause sagging skin. 

"The procedure works uses radiofrequency energy which is applied directly to the target tissues causing immediate shrinkage," explained New York City facial plastic surgeon Dr. Yael Halaas.

"This is the desired effect because as you age, your skin loses collagen, elastin, and skin's supportive connective tissue, causing skin to sag. This procedure is making huge waves in the quest for younger-looking, tighter, and firmer skin."

As of right now, Dr. Halaas says the most popular areas ThermiTight is used on are the neck and jowls.

If you missed our piece on the popularity of the new neck lift proceudre, click here.

So who is this treatment best suited for? 

"Anyone struggling with loose, sagging skin or unwanted pockets of fat that simply won't respond to traditional diet and exercise efforts is an excellent candidate for a ThermiTight procedure," said Dr. Halaas.

And of course the price is another major point to factor into your cosmeitc procedure plans. Typically, one treatment costs between $3,500 and $5,000, but can last up to several years.

But the money might be worth it for many. Patients see results after a single, pain-free treatment and there's little to no downtime. One treatment takes less than an hour.