Back To School Plastic Surgery: New Trend In Teachers Getting Cosmetic Procedures To Look Younger

School may be out for summer, but it's not only kids that are enjoying their newfound freedom. It seems that some teachers are also taking advantage of their classroom hiatus by pursuing other interests -- including undergoing popular cosmetic procedures.

With extra hours in the day and less or no face time with students and colleagues, the summer is the ideal time for teachers to undergo a cosmetic pick-me-up.

According to statistics, the most common procedure among teachers is eye bag removal. But they're also getting face lifts, liposuction, rhinoplasty and breast augmentations.

We tapped Dual-Board Certified Facial Plastic Surgeon Dr. James C. Marotta to comment on the rising trend:

Dr. Marotta, what are the most frequently requested procedures that teachers undergo in the summer?

For older teachers, it's usually facial rejuvenation surgery. So they may have a brow lift or upper-lower eye lid surgery. They may have a facelift. As for the younger teachers - nose jobs are a popular procedure.

Why is the trend of teachers receiving cosmetic procedures in the summer on the rise?

Many teachers like to do it during the summer months, because they can have the procedure done and have time for recovery. Then when school starts, they can kind of slip back into their daily routine without people perceiving that they've actually done something.

What has triggered the rise of f teachers coming into your office?

I think it varies for each teacher. Some teachers say that they just don't want to look tired. Other says that they feel maybe patronized by younger teachers, and so they feel that in order to keep their jobs and stay young and fresh, they need to refresh their look. Some have received critiques from kids who are being brutally honest, so they just want to downplay a specific facial feature.

Where do patients seems to wear their stress on their faces?

Generally around the eyes, brows, mouth and neck.

What time of year is best to have work done when considering a cosmetic procedure?

The beginning and end of summer break is better for more invasive work. For most cosmetic procedures, two weeks of downtime is all you need. But for major facial surgery, a month is optimal. For non-invasive procedures, any time should be OK.

When would you plan to get a little cosmetic pick-me-up done? Summer? Winter? tell us with a note below!