Woman Paid $30,000 In Plastic Surgery To Look Like Kim Kardashian

Look out Kim K, it looks like you've got a potetial clone out there!

This Kim Kardashian fan is truly dedicated. Claire Leeson is a 24-year old Kardashian super fan who has dropped $30,000 in plastic surgery fees to try and resemble her favorite reality star as close as possible.

Racking up tons credit card debt could not keep Leeson from striving to achieve the features of the woman she idolizes. After hearing from friends that she kind of resembled Kim K, it was then that Leeson took her obsession to a whole new level.

"I've had my teeth whitened, then I wanted my boobs enhanced... and with pictures [of Kim] explained to my surgeon that I wanted to look like this," Leeson told the Daily Mail.

"I also wear bum padding - it's a silicone base. Pants with silicone inside."

"They feel very real... and hopefully will end up having that done because my bum is never going to be as big as Kim's is."

Leeson says her obsession with looking like Kim Kardashian helps her to feel better after having gone through years of bullying.

"I look at Kim so much and would love to be exactly like her because sometimes I feel like I'm not fully confident all the time within myself," she said.

"My family are really worried, but they are so used to it now, but I know that I want to be happy."

But will her family be pleased to know most of these procedures still aren't paid for?

"I do work but the job I do doesn't pay as much... so it's credit cards and debts up to my eyeballs," she confessed.

"I say to myself that I will pay them - but as soon as money comes in I just think about getting my Kimmy on! And I'll buy the new hair, make up or whatever."

Do you think Leeson is a dead ringer for Kim K? Tell us what you think with a note below!