Bruno Mars Serenades Girl Who Lost Family In Car Accident, ‘Miracle Recovery’ Aided By ‘Grenade’ Crooner’s Music (VIDEO)

Zumyah Thorpe, 11, suffered a great tragedy last year when she lost her pregnant mother and two sisters in a car accident. She, herself, suffered physical injuries and a traumatic brain injury after a drunk driver crashed into them. Thorpe listened to Bruno Mars every night in the hospital, and got to meet him in concert on Saturday.

Mars dedicated his final performance of "Just The Way You Are" to the inspirational young woman, who was sitting near the stage with family. Thorpe's grandmother explained when she came out of the coma, she was singing the hit single, and his music even inspired her to walk again.

Doctors believe she recovered quicker than most as a result of nurses playing his music for her nightly.

"I'm absolutely convinced that singing those Bruno Mars songs and being able to say 'Bruno Mars' is in itself a miracle...knowing all the words to the songs has helped her recover," Thorpe's doctor Nancy Bass told PEOPLE.

She even had the chance to meet with Mars before the show.

"He gave me this (holding a teddy bear)....a bag with a lot of stuff," Thorpe told Mail Online with a smile.

Other concert goers said he handed her his fedora and guitar after the song.

The site points out that nearly 70 percent of those in her condition do not survive, and those who do cannot eat, walk, or talk on their own.

Watch the video below!

Isn't it amazing how Mars' music helped Thorpe? How sweet was he to her during the show? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below!