castor oil

What Do Occlusives in Skincare Products Do For Your Skin?
What Do Occlusives in Skincare Products Do For Your Skin?
Find out what are the common types of occlusives in your skincare products and what they do for your skin.
Top 5 Best Castor Oils of 2019
Top 3 Best Castor Oils of 2019
Here are Top 3 Best Castor Oils of 2019
Kitchen Cabinet Hair Care: At Home Secrets to Healthy Tresses
Before you head to the salon, the local beauty supply, or drug store, take a look in your kitchen cabinet for a few great hair care items you might not have realized you already have. Combat dry hair, itchy scalp, and promote healthy growth with a few of these proven DIY beauty treatment techniques...
Castor Oil: The Secret to Longer Hair and Glowing Skin?
As we peruse the YouTube beauty reviews, there was a product that seemed to be all the rage amongst users looking to grow their hair. Transcending age, race, and gender, the product that everyone is vouching for is castor oil. Not to be confused with the oil for your car, this castor oil is derive...


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