hydro therapy

Tips To Create The Perfect Bath Soak: How To Create Relaxing Stress-Free Pampering At Home Using Water Or Hydro Therapy Part 3
Shower addicts this is for you! Ever take the time to realize how relaxing a soothing warm bath can be for mind, body, and spirit? Josie Feria, Director of Spa at Lapis knows how to create the ultimate soaking experience. Her expertise is based on the age-old knowledge of Water or hydro therapy c...
Tips To Create The Perfect Bath Soak: How To Create Relaxing Stress-Free Pampering At Home Using Water Or Hydro Therapy
Did you know water or hydro therapy can be traced to about 4500 BC to the areas that are now Egypt, Iraq and Iran? Immersing the body in water has been medically proven to be a very relaxing, therapeutic and a complement to a healthy lifestyle or those in need of improved well-being, this is why ...


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