After the Christmas binge, January is a great time to give your body a clean and rest. Beauty4Media reports that psychologically it's the start of a fresh new year. Physically it follows a period of over-indulgence and probably an amount of unhealthy eating and drinking. So start the New Year by giving your body the chance to make the most of the opportunities ahead. 

Detoxing has many benefits - it can enhance your energy levels, aid weight loss, clear the skin and improve digestion. Ilona Wesle is a nutritionist and co-founder of MyDetoxDiet. Check out the following 7-day detox tips she recommends and see if you're game:

Just Say No. Wesle says to avoid black tea, coffee and alcohol. "Instead drink herbal tea, for example Nettle is great at supporting the kidneys, or try MyDetoxDiet's 7x7 tea to cleanse the liver," she said.

H2O. Start the year off super hydrated. "Drink at least 1 liter of water per day - ideally more," Ilona recommended. "Keep a bottle by your desk and sip regularly - you'll be amazed how easy it is if you drink little and often."

From Festive to Fruity. After the holidays, reboot with fruit. "Drink fresh juices, like carrot, beetroot, apple and cucumber, as they are fantastically nourishing and cleansing," the nutritionist explained.

Don't Take the Easy Way Out. Ilona says to start the month off by avoiding processed foods like ready-made meals, savory snacks and biscuits. "Instead eat food in its natural state. Cook it by steaming, lightly boiling or poaching - this way you will keep most of the goodness in the food and retain the full flavor."

Organic Options. "Detox for the new year by choosing organic food in order to minimize your intake of toxic pesticides," Wesle explained. "Even if you cant make every item organic, do the best you can - it will make a difference."

Lucky #5. "Eat at least five portions of fruit and vegetables per day - ideally more," Illona noted. "At lunchtime and for dinner, aim to cover at least 60% of your plate with vegetables and eat as much variety as possible."

Dairy Dont's. Wesle suggests to also reduce your consumption of animal products. "Avoid dairy and replace milk with soya or nut milks. Lentils, beans, quinoa, seeds and nuts are good protein alternatives," she explained.

R&R. And finally, you can support the detox process by getting a good night's sleep. Trying yoga, pilates, treating yourself to a massage, an infrared dome session (in order to sweat out the toxins), and exercising regularly is a great way to detoxify too," Ilona said.

By looking after your body at the start of the year, you will give yourself the best chance to stay healthy in the cold months ahead and head into spring happier and healthier!