clean nails
(Photo : Vecteezy/nuttawan jayawan)

Nails are not just a canvas for beautiful designs; they are an integral part of your body that require attention and care for optimal health and strength.

Unfortunately, many individuals overlook the importance of maintaining healthy nails, leading to issues like brittleness and damage.

Here are five essential habits you can incorporate into your nail care routine to ensure stronger and healthier nails. 

1. Stay hydrated

Just like your skin, nails require proper hydration to stay strong and resilient. Dehydration can lead to brittle nails that are more prone to breakage. Ensure you drink an adequate amount of water daily to keep your nails hydrated from the inside out.

2. Avoid harsh products

Exposure to harsh chemicals found in cleaning agents and nail care products can weaken your nails over time. Opt for gentler, nail-friendly products that are free from damaging ingredients. Additionally, use gloves while handling chemicals to protect your nails from unnecessary harm.

Furthermore, steer clear of nail polish removers that contain acetone, as they can lead to dryness or brittleness in your nails, as per Sinclair Dermatology.

3. Give your nails a break from gel or acrylic nails

While gel and acrylic nails can enhance the aesthetic appeal of your nails, especially on special and festive occasions, constant use may result in peeling, weakening, and damaging of natural nails.

According to Healthline, exposure to ultraviolet (UV) light, a common equipment used in gel polish application, is considered a potential cancer risk, but this requires further research. Additionally, prolonged UV exposure accelerates skin aging, impacting the foundation for healthy nails.

Allow your nails to breathe and recover by taking breaks between applications. This will prevent long-term damage and promote the overall health of your nails.

4. Moisturize your nails with oil or cream

Moisturizing your nails is as crucial as moisturizing your skin. Apply a nourishing nail and cuticle oil or hand balm as part of your habit to prevent dryness and promote flexibility. This helps in preventing nail breakage and promotes healthier, more resilient nails.

According to WebMD, dermatologists suggest massaging petroleum jelly, vitamin E, or cuticle creams into your cuticles before bedtime. Additionally, utilizing moisturizing products with ingredients such as urea, phospholipids, or lactic acid can effectively prevent nail cracking.

5. Keep your nails short

Maintaining shorter nails is an effective strategy for preventing breakage. Longer nails are more prone to snagging and breaking, leading to potential damage. Regularly trim your nails to a manageable length, and shape them to reduce the risk of breakage while performing daily activities.