3 Top Things to Do if You Try a Mom Makeover DayCredit : Pexels

The biggest mistake you could make as a mom is to never take time for a mom makeover day. After all, you spend each day knee-deep in kid drama, you need some time for yourself!

What Is a Mom Makeover Day?

It is doing something for a day or longer that makes you feel good for no other reason than you want to do it. It's about shrugging all sense of responsibility for a day or a weekend.

It should not be confused with a beauty makeover, a self-improvement project, or a self-care routine. It can include elements from any of them, but they are incidental.

To illustrate the concept, imagine the following scene: Your kids are away at their grandparent's house for the weekend and your husband is away on a business trip. You don't have to go to work at your part-time job today. You have made no arrangements to see anyone for anything. You have nothing set up to do for the day.  

You also just got the mail and found an unexpected check in the mail in your name that is entirely yours to spend as you please.

What's more, out of boredom, you also got caught up on all your chores yesterday after your family left for their weekend getaway at around noon.

You have nothing to do at all. You have the entire day yourself to do whatever you like. What should you do? 

Here are some suggestions.

Tip# 1: Buy Yourself Something Nice  

You've been responsible for family finances for a long time now. You mastered the art of saving wisely, spending prudently, and investing in mutual funds routinely. Now it's time to try something you may have forgotten how to do - splurging.  

What should you buy that will make you feel special? Do you want to buy eco-conscious footwear? Do you want to buy cruelty-free, plant-derived, and dermatologist-tested makeup? Do you need some home workout essentials? How about a new set of quality kitchen knives because you just love to cook? 

Now is your chance to buy yourself something that you always thought would be nice to have or do. 

Tip #2: Show Your Feet Some Love  

As a busy mom, you may have forgotten all about your feet. You've been so busy taking care of your little ones that you never got around to taking care of yourself. Your feet are now a little worse for wear and tear.

How about a pedicure? A pedicurist is a professional who will take care of any skin issues, promote circulation, and improve the health of your nails. This comprehensive foot care routine will take care of any problems with your feet. It also includes a vigorous massage to improve circulation.  

Tip #3: Get a Therapeutic Massage  

A therapeutic massage will literally make you feel like a new person.

A therapeutic massage delivers many health benefits. A massage therapist usually goes to school anywhere from 300 to 1,000 hours to learn exactly how to reduce muscle tension, improve circulation, stimulate the lymphatic system.

After an hour-long massage, you'll suddenly understand the meaning of the word "relaxation." Your high stress will have plummeted. You'll notice increased flexibility in your range of motion and improved joint mobility.

When you get home and look at yourself in the mirror, you'll notice that you'll be glowing. That's the magic that happens when you improve skin tone. 

Declare a Mom Makeover Day

The next time you have some time to yourself, try out one or more of these suggestions. 

Sure, you could do many other things: call a friend and go out to a restaurant or a movie, binge-watch Netflix all day long, go to the gym and sign up for a yoga class, or take the dog to the park and enjoy the sunny day. But what if you did something special, like declare a mom makeover day?