The Netropolitan Club, a new and exclusive online country club for rich people, is being launched Tuesday with a sizeable $9,000 joining fee, plus a $3,000 annual fee to maintain membership.

The high-society social network, dubbed as "Facebook for the 1%" was founded by James Touchi-Peters, also an orchestra conductor and composer.

"Many people cannot relate to my lifestyle or interests," Touchi-Peters said. "I realized there should be an outlet for that."

"Some busy millionaires feel isolated. Netropolitan club is a place for them to interact with people within their social status, but outside their social circle," he added.

Aside from the membership fees, the Netropolitan Club imposes a policy not allowing those below 21 years of age to join, according to Tech Times.

Other than that, the online club is welcome to people "who fancy delightful conversations with intriguing personalities who have similarly stuffed bank accounts and genie-like credit services," writes Quinten Plummer of Tech Times.

The Netropolitan Club is an "exclusive online country club" for "busy individuals, hungry for a place to communicate with like-minded people," according to Netropolitan's PR firm, Media Minefield.

"James and others have mentioned feeling judged for talking about certain topics on other social media outlets. Like they were bragging and met with a little ill will," says Michelle Lawless of Media Minefield.

"Netropolitan is designed to be the place to talk about your last European vacation or new car without the backlash," she added.

Those who have successfully signed up for membership can access the inner workings of the Netropolitan site and form groups or networks based on common interests, as well as being able to see posts and status updates by other members, CNN reports.

There is a button available on the site to call up a "Member Service Associate" if someone needs assistance with the website, but Netropolitan emphasizes that it is not to be used as a personal concierge service, as stated on the site.

"Please understand that Netropolitan is NOT a concierge service. Our Member Service Associates will not book you a charter jet, or find you tickets to a sold-out Broadway show. They exist solely to help members technically navigate and find their way around the social club."